Monday, January 18, 2010

"I Have A Dream"

 Martin Luther King, a man of innovation and change, with an impact that affects people to this very day. Many may laugh at one's dream, saying it's impossible to achieve and you are simply a dreamer. Well, here is a perfect example of a man who believed in his dream, and made it known, regardless of how he would be perceived and by whom. A dream he held in his heart, knowing the impact of his calling and was obedient to follow.

Video and Text of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" Speech Aug. 28, 1963

May each of of live our dream and know that every day is an opportunity to take action in making that dream come true. No matter your circumstances, as long as there is life, there is indeed hope. Never be discouraged when the plans you make do not unveil themselves in the order you plan, as it's not about planning, it's simply about doing and then the natural process of creation can reveal itself in the most organic way. The experience of experiencing can then be appreciated, as it's the journey that makes the dream beautiful.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

"Sending Love To All & Those Who Are Suffering"

Be thankful for every moment! Thinking of the people in Haiti who just had chaos and destruction in a moments time. Sending prayers to every family, friend, loved one and stranger who is there now, and love to everyone.

Please take a moment to have gratitude for your life, your loved ones, friends, even a friendly face at your favorite market, hold thoughts of love and appreciation for them. When you have a moment share your true feelings with them of appreciation for the smile or warmth they share with you when you're in their presence or the reflection of them when they are not. Our immediate family can so often get caught up in daily activities, although always remember to share love, making moments to embrace the greatest gift of all, our family, friends and loved ones.
Thankful for every person who does whatever is in there power to support those who are doing what's in their power to make a positive difference. People all around the world are suffering, and if every one lends a helping hand, in some way or another, we can make a difference :) Let's start in our own home and on Twitter!


CNN’s Michael Holmes tracks social networking sites providing video and images from inside #Haiti

Hey everyone! Here the #s.... Action Against Hunger, 877-777-1420, American Red Cross,800-733-2767, American Jewis (cont)

TEXT "Haiti" to "90999" and a donation of $10 will be given automatically to the Red Cross to help with Relief efforts.
Thank you everyone for doing everything you can to comfort those in need, even if it's just a tweet of love, support and prayers, that in itself is a lot :) Take a moment, that's all it takes!